New Ipswich, a town in the Monadnock region on the Massachusetts border, offers a rural and peaceful lifestyle. However, its beautiful scenery and mountain adventures have a few concerns, such as water quality. Residents and businesses throughout New Hampshire, from the Great Woods to the Seacoast and beyond, are looking into water testing and filtration to improve their quality of life.

While your water may appear and taste fine, you cannot always rely on its quality in your home or workplace. It may be contaminated with bacteria, arsenic, or even pesticides from runoff. If you use a well in New Hampshire, the best way to ensure your family’s and your safety is to have your water tested.

New Ipswich residents still need better water quality.

Towns surrounding New Ipswich have varying levels of PFAS and additional contaminants. If you have well water in New Ipswich, you may also be concerned about chemical runoff, bacteria, arsenic, and other pollutants, on top of the PFAS issue.

City water vs. well water in New Ipswich.

New Ispwich does not have a municipal water source which means everyone is on a well water source, using groundwater for everything from drinking to bathing. Due to this, the town has a page dedicated to helping you source the best water for your health. We’ll outline how you and your home or business can stay safe.

Contaminants potentially in New Ipswich, NH water.

Homeowners and businesses must test their water and find the right solutions to provide safe water for themselves, their neighbors, customers, and family members, as there are various potential issues. The following are the most common and potential water concerns in the state today:

  • Pesticides, Nitrates, and Chloride (salt from the roads and septic systems), leading to health and fertility/growth issues.
  • Fluoride, causing discolored teeth, bones, and other health issues.
  • Lead from natural sources or old pipes, causing developmental issues in children.
  • PFAS/PFOA due to the different NH manufacturing spills and using PFAS-laden products.
  • Bacterial contamination from things like E.coli can cause severe medical problems.
  • Arsenic, the naturally occurring toxic element in NH bedrock.
  • Radon, an odorless and colorless gas that is released from bedrock into homes and water supplies.
  • Pharmaceuticals that enter the water when people inadequately dispose of them.
  • Heavy metals present in the water due to natural deposits or human activity.

The EWG report for New Ipswich.

The EWG is an organization that provides resources for people to determine what is safe and healthy for the earth and personal use. Organized by zip code, the water database rates your water on various factors.

The EWG found 11 contaminants, with 3 exceeding their recommended levels around Freedom Pond. These three contaminants are part of one more extensive group of contamination. Here are some of the concerning contaminants —


Unfortunately, PFAS, a known carcinogen, is the leading contaminant in New Ipswich water sources. Scientists call this the “forever chemical” because once they are created, you can do little to get them out — from the products they’re in to the environment and waterways. These chemicals are the byproduct of creating nonstick and waterproof substances, fire deterrents, and the like. And once they are in the human body, they don’t break down. These PFAS chemicals have been linked to cancer, hormone, immune system, and fertility issues.

NH Tap’s recommendations for clean water in New Ipswich.

All New Hampshire residents, regardless of whether they use well or city-supplied tap water in their homes, must be aware of the issues surrounding local water standards and quality reports. Here are some things to keep in mind about water purification:

  • Water purification is the process of removing contaminants from water.
  • There are many different water purification methods, including filtration, UV water purification, distillation, water softeners, and reverse osmosis.
  • The best method of water purification for you will depend on the contaminants in your water and your budget.
  • It is essential to test your water regularly to ensure it is safe to drink.
  • Under the sink or refrigerator, filtration units do not eliminate most contaminants.
  • While many believe bottled water is a safer alternative than tap water, many studies have shown that bottled water is no cleaner than tap water when it comes to specific contaminants and added plastic use.

NH Tap developed whole-home filtration systems that eliminate 99.9% of common water contaminants, including PFAS. Our long-lasting, single-tank units are relatively compact and installed on-site to help your family avoid everything from heavy metals and chlorine to industrial chemicals and more — allowing you to have the purest water for your home or business.

Schedule a water test to find out if you have contaminants in your water.

With the main concern being PFAS, you may be interested in the NH Tap™ PFAS-Free Program™, backed by the NHDES water filtration rebate program. Ensuring that you have safe drinking water starts with understanding the water quality issues in your town and, more immediately, in your home. NH Tap can provide a range of tests (some that are free) to check the exact levels of contamination, so you can find out what filtration solution would best serve your home. Schedule your water test today.

Get New Ipswich’s best public or well water filtration.

The NH Tap team passionately serves our communities by helping people learn about their water needs while providing a 5-star experience to everyone who has us conduct a water test or install one of our systems. We enjoy helping our friends and neighbors stay healthy by determining their water needs and the best solution for them.

Because we tailor our water filtration units for New Hampshire water, we provide the particular filtration media to remove contaminants specific to your New Ipswich public water or private well water. We offer —

  • installation on all of our filtration systems
  • 5-year warranty (including parts and labor)
  • A lifetime of support

NH Tap can help you and your family gain peace of mind and enjoy delicious, pure water for years. Enjoy only the best water from every faucet and appliance in your home!