How to purify well water.
With many impurities, well water will not always appear visibly contaminated, though certain elements may produce odors or colors. Upon determination from your NH Tap well water test, a custom water treatment plan will be designed to tackle the specific needs of your water, opposed to a generic filter. To create purified water, a chemical reaction will occur between the contaminants and materials in the filtration system, which will force the impurities to bond to the filtration components. This will trap and destroy impurities before the water gets circulated back into your home, resulting in clean, purified water that is safe for drinking and washing. The Iron Peak® and the NH Tap Arconic® are water treatment systems from our NH Tap Absolute™ Well Water Filtration System Series that are designed to filter and abolish the greatest threats to your water to ensure the water in your home is free from potentially hazardous toxins. The best way to protect your well water is to take the first step into getting it tested.
Common Water Contaminants
“Dear NH Tap, I did not know about arsenic problems until we moved here to New Hampshire. When I learned about the levels of arsenic in my water, my mind was on my family, my neighbors, and all the people exposed to arsenic without their knowing about the potential effects to their health.”
How New Hampshire well water gets contaminated
It’s estimated that 40% of New Hampshire residents’ water supply comes from private wells. Depending on the construction of the well, each are susceptible to contamination through various factors. Because water is an outstanding solvent, it can dissolve hazardous chemicals and gases as it flows through rocks and soil.
The three most common types of wells are:
Dug Wells
Dug wells lay closest to the surface, and are therefore at greatest risk of becoming polluted by bacteria and chemical runoff from agricultural, industrial, and domestic use that have penetrated the surface soil or leaked into water sources.
Driven Wells
Driven wells lay deeper than dug wells, and though bacteria is less likely to be the contaminator, it is still vulnerable to surface pollution. Improperly constructed waste disposal and toxic waste spills can both greatly impact water quality, and even has the potential to be dangerous if used as drinking water.
Drilled Wells
Drilled wells rest deep beneath the ground, and while this may make them less at risk to become contaminated by man-made chemicals and bacteria, there are still potential dangers from the naturally occurring compounds that lurk in rocks and soil.
Why NH Tap?
NH Tap is committed to practical, cost-effective methods with top-performance. Our experts are equipped with the knowledge and designs to implement water purification systems that will ensure absolute safety when it comes to well water, because we believe in access to clean, contaminant-free water for every home.