Amherst provides the best of rural and suburban living in one location! While offering easy access to highways and proximity to Nashua, Manchester, and more, you still get the quaint NH charm of a close-knit village. Natural parks like the Ponemah Bog Wildlife Sanctuary and Baboosic Lake help you stay close to the best natural elements NH has to offer.

While Amherst offers a well-balanced way of life, residents still have to worry about sourcing pure water. Having struggled with PFOA and living close to the Merrimack River, residents are highly aware of the water issues that come with city and well water alike.

From reproductive health to hormonal and nervous systems, your body is seriously impacted by the water you absorb through cleaning, washing, and drinking every day. Organic and non-organic elements contaminate city water and private wells through sewage issues, pesticides, chemical spills, and other unexpected factors.

As recently as April 29, 2021, statewide testing for PFOA resulted in these results for the town’s water supply (bolded is Max PFOA Detected (ng/L) MCL/AGQS = 12; ND means “Not Detected”) —

  • SOUHEGAN WOODS AMHERST 01/13/21 5.05\
  • GOWING WOODS AMHERST 04/26/21 4.88
  • CONNOR COURT AMHERST 04/12/21 6.98
  • MC SQUARE AMHERST 04/29/21 4.54
  • COLONIAL PARK AMHERST 04/29/21 6.02

The EWG report, which has a higher standard than state water limits, reported that water treatment in Amherst does have some higher levels of carcinogens.

These contaminants include —

  • Dibromoacetic acid (43x over recommendations)
  • Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) (30x over recommendations)
  • Bromodichloromethane (22x over recommendations)
  • Dibromochloromethane (19x over recommendations)
  • Haloacetic acids (HAA5) (17x over recommendations)
  • Antimony (2.7x over recommendations)

While numerous risk factors are at play in the Amherst water supply, NH Tap brings the best solution to help your home stay safe and healthy.

NH Tap water filtration solutions for Amherst, NH.

Amherst residents need the most accurate and effective water filtration system for drinking, bathing, and cooking, and NH Tap provides a custom water solution for your home. Formulated by local resident Keith McDonald, we created a whole home water filtration solution with New England homes in mind.

Our system is the only one that absorbs your water’s specific contaminants at the entry point to your home for better tasting and healthier water at every faucet.

NH Tap delivers the best whole house water filtration systems for Amherst because we provide —

  • A custom analysis of your water needs
  • Streamlined, customized whole-home water filtration solutions for public water and well water.
  • Easy financing options with installation, a 5-year warranty (including parts and labor), and a lifetime of support
  • A healthier living environment with a cleaner kitchen, softer laundry, more dependable appliances, and the purest drinking water

Whole-home water filtration systems for Amherst, NH.

Get the best in Public Water Filtration for Amherst, NH.

Our filtration will pinpoint and eliminate any levels of undesirable toxins shown to be in the city’s tap water — in addition to any PFAS and other existing contaminants.

When our team installs a NH Tap Mainframe Whole House Water Filtration System for public water, we —

  1. Conduct a complimentary water test and provide a custom report.
  2. Customize your recommendation and provide the exact filtration to address the contamination levels that exist specifically in your home’s water.

Learn more about the NH Tap MainFrame Whole House Water Filtration System.

Get the best in Well Water Filtration in Amherst, NH.

The same contaminants that are in public water are affecting private wells around Amherst. But homes on well water also have to worry about pesticides, herbicides, arsenic, and chemical runoff soaking into their land.

Our well water solution is called the Absolute Whole House Water Filtration System.

If you’re concerned about your water, we will —

  1. Conduct a free water test. You receive an independent, third-party lab report on your home’s water quality, ensuring you have the proper verification of levels of arsenic and other contaminants.
  2. Give you custom recommendations. If your well does have contaminants, we will show you the exact filtration media needed to get rid of the issues and improve your quality of life.

Explore our NH Tap Absolute Well Water Filtration System for private wells.

If you need additional options, NH Tap also provides reverse osmosis systems and water softener systems and can help you determine the exact fit for your water needs.

The team at NH Tap loves giving our neighbors safe, clean drinking water. Get your custom recommendation today from the water experts in NH!

Explore Your Options

Pure water at every faucet in your home, customized to your needs, can cost less than you think. Our solutions are superior, and our prices are unmatched. But don’t just take our word for it!

Get an easy quote on clean water.