If you love having a slower way of life with easy access to natural beauty, Goffstown may be just the place for you. A small town in Hillsborough County, the landscape is gorgeous with many well-kept older homes and businesses. Close to the Piscataquog River and Uncanoonuc Mountain, there are plenty of places to enjoy nature. Unfortunately, despite these dynamic areas to enjoy hiking, fishing, and kayaking, residents with both city and well-water homes and businesses still have to worry about their water quality.
Goffstown residents still need better water quality.
With the press releases surrounding PFAS and PFOA contaminants, particularly for Merrimack and Bedford, Goffstown residents should be aware of their own risk for contamination and the steps the state and their town are taking to help them. The city does offer some good things when it comes to water quality standards. The Goffstown Village Water Precinct was started in 1891 and has served the community ever since! They provide water quality reports yearly; in 2023, they first mention the aging infrastructure and how it presents challenges to providing safe water. With a myriad of water sources, including rivers, streams, ponds, reservoirs, and springs, not to mention wells, there is potential for the water to pick up unfavorable substances. As the city is very transparent with its water quality and the possible contaminants, we know that it is doing what it can to protect the residents. But the city systems are often not enough, particularly in the case of PFOS and PFAS.
City water vs. well water in Goffstown
While the city water does meet water standards — both state and federal — water supplies all over the state have varying levels of PFAS and other contaminants. If you have well water in Goffstown, you may be concerned about chemical runoff, bacteria, arsenic, and other pollutants, on top of the PFAS issue. With a spectrum of potential problems, homeowners and business people must test their water and find the right solutions to provide safe water for them and their neighbors, customers, and family members.
Contaminants potentially in Goffstown, NH water
Currently, the most common and potential water concerns throughout the state include the following —
- Bacterial contamination from things like E.coli can cause severe medical problems.
- Arsenic is the naturally occurring poisonous element in NH bedrock.
- Radon is an odorless and colorless gas that is released from bedrock into homes and water supplies.
- Pharmaceuticals enter the water when people inadequately dispose of them.
- Heavy metals can be present in the water due to natural deposits or human activity.
- Pesticides, Nitrates, and Chloride (salt from the roads and septic systems) in water runoff can contaminate well water, leading to health and fertility/growth issues.
- Fluoride can be a potential contaminant, causing discolored teeth, bones, and other health issues.
- Lead can come into your water from natural sources or old pipes, causing developmental issues in children.
- PFAS/PFOA can be present in your water due to the different NH manufacturing spills and using PFAS-laden products.
While Goffstown’s water solutions fall within permitted limits, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), allowed levels may not be best for human health. Let’s look at what the EWG recommends and what they have discovered about Goffstown water.
The EWG report for Goffstown.
The EWG is a nonprofit organization that provides a wealth of information and resources to help people determine what is safe and healthy for the earth and our personal use. They provide a valuable resource called the water quality assessment. Based on your zip code, they rate your water on various factors. From artificial contaminants like pesticides and PFAS to natural pollutants such as arsenic or lead, the EWG scores your water quality and helps you determine if you want to use local water that may be tainted with contaminants.
According to the EWG (their study done in 2021), a few specific contaminants are concerning in Goffstown’s water supply. Remember that these contaminants may fall under “legally safe” levels. However, the EWG points out that trace amounts can still negatively impact health, particularly among younger children, aging adults, and immunocompromised individuals.
The EWG found ten contaminants exceeding their health guidelines in the Goffstown Village precinct. Here are some of the concerning contaminants listed —
Long-term exposure can cause cancer, skin lesions, cardiovascular issues, and diabetes. It also impacts cognitive development in growing humans, including in-utero, infants, and young adults.
Bromodichloromethane and Chloroform
Created when chlorine and other disinfectants treat the water, these are byproducts that act as a carcinogen and can particularly impact fetuses during pregnancy.
Learn more about Chlorine in Drinking Water
Haloacetic Acids (HAA5 and HAA9)
These compounds are carcinogenic and can cause bladder cancer, colorectal cancer, and adverse developmental and reproductive issues.
A radioactive element, it can cause bone and other cancers. It occurs naturally in groundwater, as oil and gas extraction impacts the concentrations.
At the time of this rating, PFOS and PFOA did not appear on the list, but due to how PFAS chemicals do not break down at any point, these chemicals could seep into water supplies from surrounding communities. Getting your water tested regularly, reviewing the city water test results, or installing a whole-home filtration system is the only way to ensure that your water is contaminant free or within legal limits.
NH Tap’s recommendations for clean water in Goffstown.
All Granite State residents must pay attention to local water standards and quality reports, regardless of whether they use well or city-supplied tap water in their homes. Some things to know about water quality from regular sources —
- City water depends on chemicals to clean the water, leaving chemical byproducts behind.
- Under the sink or refrigerator filtration units do not eliminate most contaminants.
- While many believe bottled water is a safer alternative than tap water, many studies have shown that bottled water is no cleaner than tap water when it comes to specific contaminants, in addition to the added plastic use.
NH Tap developed whole-home filtration systems to eliminate 99.9% of common water contaminants, including PFAS. Our long-lasting, single-tank units can remove heavy metals, PCBs, chlorine, industrial chemicals, and more — helping you have the cleanest water for your home or business.
Schedule a water test to find out if you have contaminants in your water.
Ensuring that you have safe drinking water starts with understanding the water quality issues in your town and, more immediately, in your home. NH Tap can provide a range of tests (some that are free) to check the exact levels of contamination, so you can find out what filtration solution would best serve your home. Schedule your water test today.
Get Goffstown’s best public or well water filtration.
The NH Tap team is passionate about helping our neighbors learn about their water needs and providing a 5-star experience to everyone who uses one of our systems, specifically created and customized for NH homes.
Because we tailor our water filtration units to order, NH Tap provides the precise filtration media to remove the contaminants in your Goffstown public water or private well water. We offer —
- installation on all of our filtration systems
- A 5-year warranty (including parts and labor)
- A lifetime of support
Whether you have well water or use city water, NH Tap loves to help families get peace of mind and delicious, pure water. Enjoy only the best water from every faucet and appliance in your home!